Bogdana Todorova
Identity in our multicultural world is one of the major problems of contemporary
man. There are not cultures totally isolated from the others. Social groups and
individuals are directly (through contacts with others) and indirectly (through the
media, market products, ideologies and law systems) confronted with many problems.
And the modern global society needs more than ever to take adequate decisions on
different problems (ecology, inequality, terrorism). The concept of value is the central
category of philosophical axiology. Is the general course of civilizational changes able to
influence the axiological systems of autonomous cultures, involving them in the process
of an inevitable inner change and to testify, in this manner, to its own cultural but not
transcendental nature? This is one of the main questions of the present research. My
article also will stress why is significant the role of philosophers in the dialogue
dedicated to the contemporary role of values within our society. The philosopher’s role,
besides all is to analyze a future and criticize worldview systems in order to achieve a
future value synthesis.