Cristina Voinea
The entire ethos of the postmodern and post-industrial world is being transformed. The
changes felt in the postmodern era are reflected at the level of economic and social order.
Businesses now focus on producing intangible goods, in accordance with the increasing demand
of today’s society. Of the numerous issues brought to the forefront of cultural, social and
philosophical thought and discourse by the changes inherent to postmodernity, the issue of
intellectual property rights is one of the more poignant. In this article I will try to stress why
intellectual property is becoming an acute problem in our world, a problem which is affecting
more and more people. Taking into consideration all the inconsistencies generated by the
anachronic application of intellectual property institutions, we need a new approach and a new
institutional framework, one that incorporates the interests of the public and is suitable to the
dynamism of our ever changing society.