Full pdf. issue available here: Anale Filosofie 2022 no 1
- Philip Larrey, Daniele Puleio, Transhumanism in a Cosmic Perspective
- Jason M. Pittman, I Think, Therefore We Are
- Žarko Paić, Homo Kybernetes. From Onto-Genesis to the Posthuman Condition
- Franc Mali, Human Genome Editing Technologies in the Center of Current Transhumanistic Discourse on Human Enhancement
- Kevin Rändi, Cyborg Networks: Freedom Through Data with Open Source and Implantable Devices
- Marius Markuckas, Sex and Transhumanism
- Andrei Nuțaș, The Borg – Glimpsing into a Nietzschean Transhumanist Utopia
- Nicolás Antonio Rojas Cortés, Twisting Transhumanism: Some Scope and Limits of Sorgner’s Philosophy
- Radu Uszkai, Emanuel Socaciu, Mihail-Valentin Cernea, Paladins with Muscle Cramps: Immersion,MMORPG’s,and Nozick’s Experience Machine
- Lorin Ghiman, What Society for Our Posthuman Future? A Task for the Serious Transhumanist Thinker
- Natasha Beranek, Transhumanism gets an upgrade
Review of “We Have Always Been Cyborgs: Digital Data, Gene Technologies, and an Ethics of Transhumanism.” By Stefan L. Sorgner. Bristol, UK: Bristol University Press, 2021. 240 pages. ISBN: 978-1529219210