Full PDF available here Anale Filosofie 2016 No 2
- Dorina Pătrunsu, Justice as Fair Maximal Utility. Rationality vs. Reasonability in the Political Democratic Institutions
- Hristina Amabreva, Protests, Internet and Cultural Change in Bulgaria
- Mihai-Dragoș Vădana, Descartes and Voetius on the Innate Knowledge of God and the Limits of Natural Theology
- Alexandru Liciu, Cogito and the Problem of Madness. Derrida vs. Foucault
- Ștefan Bârzu, The Passions of Modernity. Between the Tribulations of Anxiety and Despair
- Laura Stifter, The Ontological Argument. Anselm vs. Descartes
- Georgiana Moise, A Critical Assessment on the Synthesis of the Own Body in Merleau-Ponty’s Vision
- Sandra Bihlmaier, Melanchthon on the Philosophical Relevance of Poetry
- Mihaela Pop, A Study on the First Generation of Romanian Women-Painters and the Continuity of Their Modernity