Full issue pdf here:
- Dumitru Dodul, Culture, Identity and Politics – Notorious Constants of the Public Contemporary Discourse
- Eugenia Bogatu, The Pragmatist View on the Communicative Phenomenon
- Tatiana Margarint, Social Substructures in the Context of Contemporary Culture
- Alexandru Lupușor, The Phenomenon of Reification: Economic and Existential Aspects. A Reading of Lukács’ Study‚ “Reification and the Consciousness of the Proletariat”
- Diana Moga, Integrative Philosophical Perspectives of the Hermeneutics of the Lucian Blaga and Mircea Eliade in the Interpretation of the Condition of the Contemporary Man
- Gabriela Paula Florea, Metacognition in Medicine. An Interdisciplinary Approach
- Lorin Ghiman, Necessary Transgressions and a Possible Limitation of the Human Condition. A Plea for a Critical, Posthumanist Approach to Transhumanist Issues
- Paula Tomi, Few Critiques on the Classical Truth Theories